The Problems of taxonomy Internet genres on the example of the "personal blog" genre in the Instagram network

  • Pilyugina N.Yu.

    N. Yu. Pilyugina. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


The article is devoted to a range of problems that arise in the study of Internet genres. The main directions of the study of virtual genres, approaches to the study of the main features of such genres, and the possibility of creating a model for their description are
discussed. A distinction is made between the concepts of format and virtual hypergenre. An approach is presented that takes into account the influence of media, pragmatic, structural, and stylistic-linguistic features on the nature of the Internet genre. The article summarizes the experience of recent research in the field of creating a model of the blog genre, which is presented as a hypergenre formation characterized by polymodality and discursive heterogeneity. The most important media characteristics of Internet genres are creolization, hypertextuality, and interactivity. Special attention is paid to the fact that modern virtual genres are a special form of text organization, which is characterized
by the process of non-linear reading and writing. It is noted that the growth of text implementation leads to a change in the way and types of communication, the role of units of different language levels, the tendency to use simplified constructions and language tools. The article highlights the leading feature of the blog genre based on the communicative function: the personal blog orients the author to the positioning caused by various communicative actions of the public-private language personality. An example of the analysis of the interaction of nonverbal and verbal components of blogs in the implementation of the functions of social positioning and self-presentation of the author of
the blog (on the example of the blog of V. Shapovalova) is given. These examples prove the complexity, multi-dimensionality of the genre type under study, and the inseparable connection of the visual and verbal code of the genre design.

Keywords: electronic communication, internet communication, Internet genre, genre model, media features, hypertext content, creolization, pragmatic potential, language features, selfpresentation, social positioning.